Teen Mom

“Police Reveal Horrifying Details About ‘Teen Mom’s’ Father Bar Smith’s Arrest on Scary Crimes”

Trigger Warning: This story contains mentions of domestic violence and threats.

Last month, Teen Mom star Bar Smith was arrested for a series of felony-level crimes, including kidnapping, domestic violence (with threat or use of force) and more. While his estranged wife Ashley Jones has since come forward and admitted to being Bar’s alleged victim in the crime, few details have been released about the incident that caused Bar to be arrested and charges with so many serious offenses…until now.

The Ashley can exclusively reveal what Ashley claims happened on the night that Bar was arrested. (As of press time Bar remains incarcerated in Nevada on a $35,000 bail.)According to the police incident report exclusively obtained by The Ashley, the scary showdown between the exes (who share daughter Holly) began on July 7, one day after Ashley posted a photo to social media showing herself on a date with her new boyfriend. According to Ashley’s mother, Tea Chapple, Ashley called her upset because Bar had contacted Ashley and stated that he was coming to Nevada from his residence in California after seeing Ashley’s social media post about her boyfriend.

One day after Bar threatened to come to Ashley’s place, Ashley told her mom that she was about to go inside her home but she was worried that Bar was inside her apartment. Ashley instructed her mom to call police if he was.

“Ashlee arrived home, remained on the phone with her mom,” the incident report reads. “As Ashlee opened the front
door, Tasheilia heard a male in the background say ‘hello baby momma.’ She then heard Ashlee respond ‘hello baby daddy’
and the call disconnected. Tasheilia called back Ashlee multiple times and Ashlee never answered her calls. Tasheilia called
the police immediately.

“Upon my arrival, I was waved down by Tasheilia who was at the front door to Ashlee’s apartment,” the report continued. “Tasheilia came down to my patrol car to speak with me and Tasheilia was frantic, scared, and crying in fear for her daughter’s life. Tasheilia advised the male inside was Bariki.”

Tea told police that, due to Bar’s violent past, and the fact that Ashley’s car was parked in front of her house but she wasn’t answering the door or her phone, she wanted the police to do a welfare check on Ashley. When police arrived, Bar allegedly tried to convince them that they had the wrong home.

“Upon knocking on the door, a male’s voice was heard from inside Ashlee’s apartment stating ‘She doesn’t live here, wrong
apartment.’ Due to prior calls of service and the family knowing which is her apartment, officers knew this was incorrect,” the incident report stated. “Eventually Ashlee came out the door and advised the following: Bariki is inside the apartment, he was not invited over, and that she would like officers to accompany her inside to ask him to leave. Ashlee was very scared of Bariki. She was crying, shaking, and very emotional.”

Bar— who had an active warrant out for his arrest— was detained by cops. After that, Ashley was able to tell police what allegedly happened inside the apartment.

Ashley told police she hadn’t seen Bar since March, when she kicked him out of her Nevada apartment and he went back to California. Ashley claimed that, after Bar saw her post about her new man, he told her he was coming to her house. Ashley stated that she stayed the night at her boyfriend’s house that night, but when she arrived back home the next morning, Bar was inside her apartment, waiting for her.

The alleged details get even more chilling from there.

Ashley claimed that Bar “immediately physically took her phone, all her electronics (phone, watch, and two tablets) out of her hands, and keys away from her.”

He then allegedly demanded Ashley drive him to her new boyfriend’s house so that Bar could confront him.

Bar and Ashley during their days on ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“Bariki told her you are not getting your stuff back until you call your boyfriend or take me to him,” the incident report states. “They argued and Bariki again tried to make her leave with him, she refused. Bariki got mad that Ashlee was arguing with him and told her ‘Say something again and I will break your fucking jaw.’

“Ashlee believed Bariki due to his violent past with her and was afraid for her life and well being.”

Ashley claimed that, once Bar realized she wasn’t going to willingly go with him, Bar barricaded himself and Ashley in her upstairs apartment by taking two barstools and wedging them between the front door and the first stair on the landing, which prevented the front door from opening. He then allegedly placed even more items in front of the door to keep anyone from getting in, and told her that if she wouldn’t leave with him, she won’t leave period.

According to Ashley, when the cops knocked on the front door, Bar told her that she “better not open the door.”

“Ashlee looked out her balcony and saw an officer tucked behind a dumpster with his rifle towards the apartment,” the incident report stated. “Ashlee knew she had to get outside. Bariki tells Ashlee that he will go outside and get the officers to go away. Ashlee being
smart tells Bariki, ‘It’s scary out there and I will tell them you are peaceful, and maybe they will let you just leave’ which she
knew wasn’t going to happen.”

The police incident report also explains why Bar was charged with the crimes that he was at the time of his arrest. He received the “Kidnapping-2nd degree” charge because he allegedly broke into Ashley’s apartment and waited for her overnight, then took all her forms of communication and refused to allow her to leave.

“Bariki willfully kidnapped Ashlee by leaving California over night to arrive at her apartment,” the officer wrote. “Bariki with intent to keep Ashlee from leaving her apartment by barricading the door and taking her personal communication electronics. I established probable cause that Bariki was in violation of Kidnapping 2nd Degree.”

Bar was charged with “Coercion Domestic Violence with Threat of or Use Of Physical Force” because he allegedly threatened to break Ashley’s jaw, and took all devices she could have used to call for help.

“Ashlee was in fear of Bariki causing bodily harm to her,” the officer wrote. “I established probable cause that Bariki was in violation of Coercion.”

As for the charge of Harassment, Bar received that because Ashley claimed that, the night before the alleged attack, Bar had emailed her and told her that her new man “better be tough” and that he would be seeing both of them the next morning. She also stated that Bar claimed he would send someone over to her house if she didn’t answer his calls.

“Bariki did show up as emailed,” the officer wrote. “Bariki [has a] violent history with Ashlee. Ashlee believing he would physically harm her or her new boyfriend. I established probable cause Bariki was in violation of Harassment.”

Ashley and her family have since upgraded the security on her apartment, and a temporary restraining order has been filed against Bar. Ashley told police that she plans to file for a permanent one.

Bar has been in jail since the incident. Days after his arrest, a felony charge of residential burglary was added to his list of charges.

It is unknown if Ashley has filmed about the alleged incident (and Bar’s ongoing court case) for ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.’ She did, however, file for divorce from Bar last week.

The Ashley will have more details on this incident soon. Stay tuned…

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