The Great Sphinx’s Identity Exposed?
### 1. **How old are the Great Sphinx and Pyramids**
– **Orthodox view**: The Great Sphinx and Pyramids were built around 4,500 years ago (during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, around 2,500 BC). However, archaeological and astronomical evidence may indicate a much older age.
– **Inventory Stella**:
– This is a stone inscription discovered in the 19th century that states that King Khufu “restored” the structures rather than built them.
– This suggests that the structures predate Khufu, possibly by thousands of years.
– **Lack of hieroglyphics inside the Pyramid**:
– Other ancient Egyptian structures are filled with hieroglyphics to record history and religion. The absence of these texts in the Pyramid raises questions about its original purpose.
– Scholars such as Graham Hancock have suggested that the Great Pyramid may have been built before the development of Egypt.
### 2. **The original shape of the Great Sphinx**
– **Disproportion**:
– The Sphinx’s head is too small compared to its body, giving rise to the theory that the original head was reshaped into a human face.
– Some researchers (such as Robert Temple) have suggested that the Sphinx originally had the shape of a dog or the mythical creature Anubis – the guardian of the afterlife.
– **Ancient name “Lake Anubis”**:
– In ancient Egyptian texts, the area around the Sphinx is called “Lake of the Jackal” or “Lake Anubis”, which is consistent with the original theory.
– **Religious significance**:
– Anubis is an important symbol, representing the protection of souls and the guidance of the dead to the afterlife.
### 3. **Awesome Construction Techniques**
– **Massive Stone Blocks**:
– The Pyramids were built from stone blocks weighing tens of tons, transported from quarries hundreds of kilometers away.
– The cutting and placement of these blocks with such precision is beyond the capabilities of Bronze Age tools (the period when the structure is believed to have been built).
– **Unexplained Technology**:
– Some traces of the use of tools that could be equivalent to modern saws.
– The stone surfaces of the blocks are so smooth that it is almost impossible to fit a piece of paper between them.
– **The “Lost Technology” Hypothesis**:
– Scholars such as Christopher Dunn have proposed that ancient civilizations may have used advanced technology that we do not know about.
### 4. **Ancient Global Civilization**
– **Worldwide Evidence**:
– Structures such as Machu Picchu (Peru), Puma Punku (Bolivia), and temples in Türkiye (Göbekli Tepe) also share similar construction techniques.
– Some of these structures have been determined to be over 12,000 years old, suggesting that they belong to a prehistoric global civilization.
– **Theories of Global Connection**:
– Legends and myths from many cultures (Egypt, Greece, and Mesoamerican) refer to gods or aliens bringing knowledge of construction and science to Earth.
### 5. **Evidence of water erosion on the Great Sphinx**
– **Geological analysis**:
– Geologist Robert Schoch found that the erosion on the Sphinx was caused by rainwater, not wind or sand.
– This suggests that the Sphinx existed when the Egyptian climate was wetter (about 10,000 years ago).
– **Historical significance**:
– If this hypothesis is correct, the Sphinx must have been built before the desertification of the area, which means at least 7,000 years BC.
### 6. **Pyramids and their connection to the stars**
– **Astronomical orientation**:
– The pyramids at Giza are aligned with Orion’s belt, a constellation worshiped by ancient civilizations.
– Some theories suggest that the pyramids were not tombs, but astronomical structures or energy generators.
– **The role of Sirius**:
– The Sphinx may have once pointed towards Sirius – the brightest star in the sky, associated with Egyptian spiritual rituals and the lunar calendar.
### 7. **Rejection from mainstream academia**
– **Reasons for rejection**:
– Many of these theories are considered “unscientific” because they do not fit with mainstream history.
– Archaeologists often focus on existing physical evidence rather than speculation based on unexplained phenomena.
– **Conspiracy theories**:
– Some argue that academia may be hiding the truth to maintain the current order of knowledge.
### 8. **Call for further research**
– Structures such as the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids still contain many mysteries.
– Many researchers call for the application of modern technology such as ground-penetrating radar and isotop analysis to decipher the true origin of these relics.