Ancient History

Most Incredible Recent Discoveries From World War II

10 Most Incredible Discoveries From WW2!

Secrets and discoveries related to World War II that still shock today, including strange events and discoveries of lost treasures, mysterious messages, and connections between organizations during the war. Here is a more detailed explanation:

1. **The Diary of an SS Officer**:

Nazi diary may reveal secret location of World War II treasure worth  billions - CBS News
– This diary was written under the pseudonym “Michelas” by an officer of the Waffen-SS, a branch of the Nazi military. The diary reveals an ambitious plan by Hinrich Himmler – a famous Nazi official – to plunder all of Europe’s precious assets, including works of art, gold, and priceless relics. These stolen assets were often hidden in secret places such as mines or underground. One of the locations where the gold was hidden was an old well under Hawber Castle in Poland. The gold in the diary is believed to have been stolen from the Reichsbank in Breslau (now Wrocław, Poland) and is worth billions of dollars.

2. **Masonic Lodge and the revelation of the diary**:

– After the war ended, the diary fell into the hands of a secret society (Masonic Lodge) in the town of Kleinberg, Germany. During World War II, many members of this secret society were Nazi officers. In 2019, this society returned the diary to a Polish organization as an apology for Nazi crimes. From there, experts began searching for treasure hidden in the locations recorded in the diary.

3. **Mysterious message in the Irish forest fire**:

Wildfires in Ireland Have Revealed a Hidden WWII Message : ScienceAlert

– In 2018, while a forest fire was raging on the coast of Ireland, police discovered a secret message carved into the ground. The message, read through the smoke and ash, is the word “Era”, which is Gaelic for “Ireland”. At the time of World War II, Ireland declared neutrality and the message was carved into the seashore to warn German planes that they were flying over neutral territory, avoiding accidental bombing.

4. **Lost Nazi treasure in Argentina**:

Police Find a Secret Gallery of Nazi Artifacts Behind an Art Collector's  Bookcase

– Archaeologists have discovered an abandoned base in the jungles of Argentina, near the Paraguayan border, with artifacts such as German coins and a porcelain plate bearing the inscription “Made in Germany”. These artifacts suggest that this may have been a hideout for Nazi leaders after the war ended. These bases may have been part of a Nazi strategy to build “secret bases” in remote areas such as the Argentine jungle, where they could hide if the war was lost.

5. **The Story of the Buried Gold Coins**:

– In 2015, a prospector with a metal detector in Germany discovered a trove of ancient gold coins from the 19th and early 20th centuries, buried by the Nazis in the final days of the war. After alerting archaeologists, the prospector discovered hundreds more gold coins, all stolen from banks during World War II. The coins were buried under a tree, and after the tree was cut down, they were scattered far and wide.

6. **The Role of Pigeons in World War II**:

Pigeons at War - The RAF and the National Pigeon Service | Classic Warbirds
– Pigeons were widely used in warfare to carry important information between military stations, especially in operations such as D-Day. One of these pigeons was found dead in a chimney after dying while carrying a coded message. Although the message could not be deciphered immediately, the person who found it suspected that it might be related to a British bombing raid in France or a discussion of betrayals in the French Resistance.

7. **The Story of the Medieval Skeleton**:

August: Prague Castle skeleton | News and features | University of Bristol

– A skeleton discovered under the grounds of Prague Castle in 1928 became part of a Nazi propaganda campaign. The skeleton, possibly that of an ancient German warrior, was used by the German authorities to prove that the Germans had a right to “dominate” Europe, part of their Aryan racial theory. This demonstrates how the Nazis distorted science and history to serve their propaganda purposes.

8. **Discovering the Me262 Fighter Plane**:

The Me 262 and the Beginning of the Jet Fighter Age
– In 2015, volunteers excavating at a former airbase in the Netherlands, where the Germans were stationed during World War II, discovered a Me262 fighter plane, one of the first German jets. The plane was found in a bomb crater and is now being preserved for display in a museum.

In short, these stories not only reveal military strategies and lost treasures, but also show the intricate connections between secret organizations and how historical documents, artifacts and relics still influence us today.

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