Ancient History

Aliens Invade 4 Major Cities | Ancient Aliens

In 1990, at the National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C., scientists launched the Human Genome Project to determine all the genes in the human body and better understand the structure of DNA.

This project could open up the possibility of changing human evolution. Some theorists believe that once we have this control, we could understand the nature of creatures called “Grey aliens” – often described as having large heads, big eyes, and compact bodies. These characteristics do not make sense from a natural evolutionary perspective, but they do make sense if they are the products of bioengineering.

Ken Storch, an expert, believes that aliens discovered humans and edited our genomes to serve their own purposes, such as ensuring the survival of their own species. According to him, we are carriers of altered genes, and the “fine-tuning” of this genome is still going on today through phenomena such as “abduction”. He also believes that the “Greys” are not evil, but simply serving their own purposes.

Michael Dennin, another scientist, explains that for aliens to be able to interbreed with humans, they would need to have a similar genetic makeup and be carbon-based creatures like us. This would be possible if they came from a planet with similar environmental conditions to Earth. If so, hybrid creatures could be the solution to human survival against major threats such as solar activity or extreme environmental change.

Ancient theorists ask: is the biological appearance of the “Greys” – with their large heads and big eyes – a manifestation of evolutionary superiority? It has been theorized that as technology reaches its peak, features such as muscular bodies and reproductive organs will no longer be necessary.

A large brain containing a super-intelligence, capable of communicating remotely and controlling technological devices, may be the greatest advantage. George Noory, a researcher, has even suggested that humans may have been created in their “image,” an idea reminiscent of the story in the Book of Genesis.

Evidence of alien intervention has also been mentioned in mysterious phenomena such as the drawings in a wheat field in England in 2002. One drawing showed the face of a Grey creature accompanied by a binary code message, which translated as: “Beware of those who bring false gifts.

There is still time. We oppose the deceivers.” This was said to be a warning to humanity. Previously, in 2001, another figure appeared near the Chilbolton Observatory, which was believed to be a response from space to the signal that Carl Sagan and Frank Drake sent in 1974.

Not only that, evidence of human changes over time was also mentioned. Studies from the University of Tennessee showed that human skull size has increased significantly since the late 19th century, along with changes in teeth and bone structure. It is predicted that in the future, humans may continue to evolve in a similar direction to the “Greys”: larger heads, smaller bodies, and superior intelligence, especially in space conditions.

In addition, some researchers have linked UFO phenomena to occult rituals. For example, Aleister Crowley, an occultist, once claimed to have contacted an entity called “Lam”, which resembled the Grey creature. In 1946, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard performed similar rituals, which are believed to have inadvertently opened a “gateway” that led to an increase in UFO sightings, including the Roswell crash in 1947.

In general, theorists believe that humans and extraterrestrials have been closely linked for millennia. Changes in our genetic makeup, evolution, and paranormal phenomena may be signs that we are gradually becoming more like them – our “cosmic brothers.”

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