The Dark Pyramid of Alaska | Military Cover-up of a Forbidden Collaboration
**In 1989**, Doug Muchler, a counterintelligence officer at Fort Richardson, Alaska, noticed a small area on a map of Denali National Park marked “unsurveyed.” This was curious because the entire state of Alaska had been thoroughly surveyed. Doug dismissed the question, but three years later he understood why.
**In 1992**, a local television news story reported an underground nuclear explosion in China that was so powerful that it sent seismic waves to Alaska. When seismologists analyzed the data, they discovered a giant 100-foot object underground that was a pyramid larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza. The location of the pyramid matched the area Doug had spotted on the “unsurveyed” map. The story was later retracted and never mentioned again.
Doug sought further investigation, but when he arrived at the television station, he was told that there was no such story. However, a young employee admitted that the story was true but was taken away by men in black. Doug then continued his investigation at Fort Meade, Maryland, where the NSA was headquartered. He found documents related to Alaska but was warned by two mysterious men and asked to leave the building immediately.
Doug later went public with his story, claiming that the military knew about the pyramid’s existence and was even operating it.
The story also had other witnesses, such as Marty Johnson, an electronics engineer in the military, and Lee Pearon, a veteran who witnessed secret bases in Alaska, with many signs of strict and unusual military.
Three men sit at a quiet table in a bar near the airport. One of the group, the pilot, announces a secret information over his headset and signals to keep quiet. He reveals that there is a giant pyramid made of black stone deep underground. The location of this pyramid is a secret, like the Manhattan Project, and no one knows it exists. According to the information, this pyramid has existed for thousands of years and is a giant source of electricity, enough to power an entire country.
Lee, one of the three, finds this information crazy and wonders how much energy the pyramid can produce. The pilot replies that it is enough to power an entire country. Lee feels that this sounds like a science fiction story, but also admits that if the pyramid is made from the right materials, this could be possible. Lee even did an episode about how the Great Pyramid of Giza could generate energy, with scientific evidence to support the theory.
Marty Johnson described the pyramid as being 550 feet tall, with the base 700 feet below ground, and the corners of the pyramid forming 48° angles, not 45°. He explained that control rooms were placed at each corner of the pyramid to measure the amount of energy. The goal of the project was to distribute energy. While it is unclear whether the project was successful, Marty’s son said that his father built a small aluminum version of the pyramid, and when a small amount of electricity was passed through it, the energy was amplified enough to power their entire home and farm.
It is theorized that the pyramids in Alaska, Egypt, Indonesia, and elsewhere formed an ancient energy network, collecting the Z-point electromagnetic field and distributing it around the planet, possibly even the solar system. Some researchers believe that free energy may be a cover-up.
Doug Miller, a witness, contacted Linda Moulton Howe, a well-known investigative journalist on UFOs and conspiracy theories. Howe, after receiving documents from Doug, including his DD214 (Doug’s military service certificate), reported the black pyramid. Many people have since come forward, including Marty Johnson’s sons and Lee Pearson, and a former Navy officer who saw unusual air traffic near Denali, Alaska. He suggested that the pyramid might be the cause and reported it to his superiors, but was later told to keep quiet.
Bruce Pearson, Lee’s son, believes his father provided enough information to search for the pyramid. Bruce chartered a plane and flew to the suspected area, where he discovered a rectangular shaped area and an old road that was not on the map. They also discovered an old airport that did not appear on the map. The area was nearly 100 miles from the marked road and close to the coordinates given to Linda Moulton Howe.
Nathan Campbell, another explorer, chartered a plane to near Carry Lake in Denali National Park, near the pyramid site. He had made careful preparations and expected to be picked up in four months. However, after a few weeks, there was no further contact. A search party found his camp intact but without Nathan. His last diary entry stated that he had gone to get water and never returned.
The suspected area was in the Alaska Triangle, where the CIA ran the Stargate project, which focused on remote viewing. One of the most talented remote viewers was Pat Price, who was able to see the hidden facility.
Pat Price, a renowned remote viewing expert, discovered a secret facility under Mount Hayes in the Alaska Triangle that was operated by both humans and aliens. Linda Moulton Howe, a renowned investigative journalist in the field of UFOs and the paranormal, found a witness through remote viewing. The witness described an underground military facility with laboratories and equipment surrounding a black pyramid. The pyramid was used as a charging station for UFOs.
There have been over 6,500 UFO sightings in the area, suggesting that the pyramid could provide power to the spacecraft. This would explain why the military could not get the equipment to work, as aliens were the ones in charge, not humans.
When Linda Moulton Howe published information about the black pyramid in 2012, the story attracted a lot of attention, but there were also many doubts about its authenticity. Douglas Muchler, a former military intelligence officer, provided documents to prove his authenticity, but some details of his story did not match the confirmed events. For example, he said that China had conducted an underground nuclear test in 1992, but there is no evidence for this. Instead, in October 1992, a major earthquake occurred in Egypt, causing damage to ancient sites, and may have confused Mr. Muchler.
Bruce Pearson, son of Lee Pearson, also came forward with information about the black pyramid and searched for it in Alaska. He hired a pilot to survey the area near Mount Hayes and discovered a rectangular shaped landmass with signs of human activity, including an old road and an uncharted runway.
Despite many doubts and inconsistent information, if the black pyramid does exist, it could generate energy similar to the Great Pyramid of Giza, as many theories have suggested. Research into UFOs and paranormal phenomena often leads to unexpected discoveries that can change our view of the world around us.