Ancient History

CIA Classified Book about the Pole Shift, Mass Extinctions and The True Adam & Eve Story

The CIA’s Classified Book About the Pole Shift and Mass Extinctions

In 1966, scientist Dr. Chan Thomas published a book called *The Adam and Eve Story* that described the end of the world. Before the public could read it, the CIA classified and declassified only 57 pages of the original 284-page manuscript. These pages were heavily redacted and the majority of the book remains hidden.

The book describes a polar shift that causes the Earth to experience a cataclysmic event that will wipe out all civilizations. According to Thomas, these cataclysms occur in cycles and have wiped out previous civilizations. He believes that humans are now the sixth civilization on Earth and that previous civilizations were destroyed by global cataclysms.

Thomas is not the first to propose this theory. Charles Hapgood had previously published *The Earth’s Shifting Crust* in 1958, discussing the shifting of the earth’s crust, and Albert Einstein wrote the foreword to Hapgood’s book. Hapgood suggested that the Earth’s poles had shifted about 9,600 years ago, causing disasters such as massive floods.

Thomas believed that the pole shift could occur in less than a day, causing massive devastation. Rising sea levels and strong winds could destroy major cities in a matter of hours. The sudden stopping of continents would cause regions to become extremely cold, leading to mass death and destruction.

Thomas also pointed out that many ancient civilizations, such as Atlantis and the continent of Mew, may have been destroyed in similar disasters. Evidence of global floods from various cultures, such as Noah’s flood in the Bible, were linked to his theory by Thomas. He believes that the biggest disaster is likely to happen in the very near future, causing unpredictable consequences.

Did This Classified CIA Document Hide The True History of Humanity?

Chan Thomas updated his prediction in 1993, saying that the Earth’s axis would shift in 7 years, around the year 2000. However, it has been more than 20 years and the event has not happened. He based his prediction on the predictions of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, two famous prophets.

Many reports have suggested that Chan Thomas is a fake name, but in fact he is not. His full name is Dr. Chony Powers Thomas, born in Missouri in 1920 and died in 1998. He was an electrical engineer who worked for McDonnell Douglas and appeared in UFO documentaries. He also appeared on the Johnny Carson show in 1965. Thomas wrote several books about global disasters, ESP (extrasensory perception), and UFOs. However, he did not provide specific scientific evidence for many of his claims.

Some sources claim that Thomas’ book was 284 pages long, but the CIA only released 57 pages, which is not true. The original book was only 57 pages long, and the so-called “missing” pages were actually blank pages or headers. The book was classified by the CIA in 1966, when Thomas was working at McDonnell Douglas on anti-gravity technology and missile guidance systems. This may be why his documents were classified.

In the book, Thomas does not provide concrete evidence for his arguments, such as the theory of pole shift due to glaciers tilting the Earth’s axis. Some of his ideas were taken from other catastrophe theorists like Charles Hapgood, but Thomas left out important details that Hapgood revised after working with scientists. Thomas also did not update or correct any information when the book was reprinted in 1993.

Thomas theorizes about rapid melting ice causing massive floods and axial shifts due to seismic activity. Some parts of this theory have been scientifically proven to be possible. For example, large earthquakes can shift the Earth’s axis, such as the 2004 earthquake in Indonesia that shifted the North Pole by 25 cm and shortened the day by 2.7 microseconds.

The bigger issue Thomas mentions is the shifting of the magnetic poles. The Earth’s magnetic poles are constantly on the move and have changed hundreds of times in geologic history. However, the Earth has not changed its magnetic poles in nearly 800,000 years, while the average cycle is about 300,000 years, which has scientists worried that we are “overdue”.

During a pole shift, the Earth’s magnetic field will weaken, leaving us vulnerable to solar activity such as magnetic storms and solar winds. This could cause major damage to modern technology, especially satellites and power grids, and could even lead to widespread blackouts lasting weeks or months.

Although Chan Thomas’ book is widely considered pseudoscience, some of his theories have become accepted by modern science as possible future scenarios.

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