Scientist Finds Something on Mars, But No One Believes Him
Humans have been fascinated by Mars for a long time, and NASA has been sending cameras and robots to investigate. While most of what has been found is sand, there have been more interesting discoveries, including some that have left us feeling a little queasy. Is it possible that Martians actually exist? Maybe. Here are 20 of the strangest things ever discovered on Mars.
1. **Tangled Object**:
In 2022, NASA’s Perseverance rover captured an image of a strange string-like object on the surface of Mars. While it may look suspicious, it was actually part of a *Dacron* fabric mesh – a high-quality material that will be used to help Perseverance land safely in 2021. The landing process tore the mesh, causing it to scatter across the surface of the red planet.
2. **Blueberry orbs on Mars**:
In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered round, iron-rich, blue-colored rocks, dubbed “Mars blueberries.” Scientists believe they are evidence that Mars once had plenty of water, as the rocks were likely formed by the long-term effects of water.
3. **Pyramids on Mars**:
In a photo taken by the Viking spacecraft in the 1970s, a pyramid-like structure was spotted. However, NASA has confirmed that this is just a rock with a special shape created by perspective and shadows.
4. **Giant dust storm**: In 2023, Perseverance captured images of a dust storm about 2,000m high – five times larger than the Empire State Building. This highlights the harsh weather conditions that humans could face if they settled on Mars.
5. **Mysterious Light**:
In 2019, the Curiosity rover captured a strange light on Mars. NASA explained that the phenomenon could be caused by cosmic rays or sunlight reflecting off rock surfaces.
6. **Metallic Meteorite**:
A rock discovered by Curiosity, shaped like an egg, was identified as an iron- and nickel-rich meteorite. Studying these meteorites helps scientists learn more about corrosion and environmental impacts on Mars.
7. **Face on Mars**:
A famous image from 1976 appeared to show a human face. However, high-quality images later proved that it was just a rock with shadows and light creating a special shape.
8. **Ancient Lake**:
In 2024, Perseverance found traces of an ancient lake in a crater on Mars, opening up the possibility of searching for signs of ancient life.
9. **Door on Mars**:
Images from 2022 appear to show a small door in a rock. But scientists say this is just the result of natural cracks in the rock due to geological activity.
10. **Spinnacles**: Perseverance captured column-like structures in 2022. They could be the remains of a large rock that was eroded over time.
Each discovery on Mars gives us new perspectives on the planet, bringing humans closer to the question of life in the universe.