NAVY Coverup? MASSIVE Unknown Creature Discovered Near Alaska
In June 2024, off the coast of Alaska, the crew of a fishing boat encountered an entity that defies everything we know about marine life. Although the ocean covers the vast majority of the Earth’s surface, humans have explored less than 5% of what lies beneath. In these vast dark waters, creatures exist beyond explanation – entities that have hidden themselves from human detection. But what the crew of the Blue Streak witnessed was far more than just an unknown species.
Why did the US Navy rush to intervene? And most terrifying of all: what happened to the three crew members who developed mysterious abilities after the encounter?
Alaskan waters have long been known for their maritime mysteries, with countless tales of unidentified giants dating back to Native American legends – creatures that are said to be able to influence both the mind and the body. But this time, it’s more than just a fisherman’s tale. This time, there are eyewitness accounts, sonar data, and physical evidence – all of which mysteriously disappeared into the hands of authorities just hours after the incident. When a private task force shows up, they don’t just collect evidence – they try to cover up the truth. And the truth is stranger than anything you could imagine.
My name is Thomas “Tom” Rinehart, 48, and I’ve been working in the commercial fishing industry since I was 19. I started on small crab boats in Dutch Harbor before moving up to larger trawlers. For the past eight years, I have served as first mate on the Blue Streak, a 130-ton commercial fishing vessel that operates seasonally off the coast of Alaska. Equipped with advanced sonar and communications equipment, the vessel is owned by a midsize company (I’ll call it Northern Depths) that operates under contract to major distributors.
The event I’m about to describe occurred on June 14 of this year. We were located about 62 miles west of Kodiak Island, in the Gulf of Alaska, slightly north of the usual shipping lanes. Our daily routine included dropping and retrieving large trawl nets, and processing, packing, and freezing fish on board.
The weather that month was unpredictable, with several storms, but we were used to that. What was different about this trip was that we encountered something none of us had ever seen or heard of before. It was so far beyond any ordinary experience that we cannot accurately describe it in words.
After the incident, we were approached by a task force consisting of both naval personnel and some private entity. They did not provide the name of their company, most of them wore uniforms without identification marks, and carried documents with the seal of the Ministry of Defense. They asked us to keep the information confidential. However, I decided to record this report, because I believe the public has a right to know that this event is real – not a rumor or a hoax – and that it has important implications for maritime safety.
I am aware of the seriousness of disclosing this information. If you are reading this report, it has probably been transmitted through unofficial channels. I am committed to telling the story accurately, without embellishment or exaggeration. Although it may sound like science fiction, all the details I provide are based on my memory and the data I have collected.
I am not a scientist, so I may not use the exact terminology of biology or electromagnetic disturbances. I am simply recording what we observed. When I speak of a “giant cephalopod-like creature,” I mean it quite literally. We saw tentacles, a large body, and features reminiscent of a giant squid or an octopus. However, its biology did not match any known species.
In addition, we noted strange disturbances on our electronic equipment – not random disturbances, but structured patterns, like some kind of intentional feedback. After the incident, three crew members developed unusual symptoms, including an unusual ability to sense magnetic fields – something no one could explain.
The direct encounter with the creature lasted about 30 to 40 minutes, but the events continued to unfold over the next 24 hours. Eventually, official task forces arrived, cordoned off the area, and took control of the entire situation. They used coded terms to refer to the creature and forced us to sign confidentiality agreements. They also confiscated some of the recordings we had made.
However, we retained some personal notes and backup data, which I will use to prepare this report. I will present the events in chronological order, from the first sonar signals to the cover-up, as well as the impact on the crew. My goal is to describe the incident objectively, without speculation, focusing on our direct observations and the recorded data.
**Blue Streak Incident Report**
At **20:55**, several crew members began complaining of strange visual phenomena. Among them were Angela Ramirez (cook), Bill Hardy (deck mate), and Todd Griffin (part-time electronics technician). All three described seeing flashes of light or static in the air. At first, we thought it was shock or panic, but they claimed they actually saw arcs or lines around some of the electronics and even people. Angela said:
*”I could see little sparks around people, like electromagnetic arcs.”*
Bill described the same thing and said he felt a tingling sensation on his skin. Todd tried to walk but was unsteady, saying he saw geometric swirls appearing around metal bars on the ship. These descriptions were too strange for us to explain.
Doctor Joe Spencer, the ship’s medical officer, checked their vital signs. They showed an elevated heart rate, dilated pupils, and slightly higher than normal body temperature, but no signs of intoxication. She gave them water and advised them to rest. Over the next few hours, they continued to report that the intensity of these hallucinations fluctuated. Todd attempted to sketch what he saw—arcs of light curving around metal and forming ripples in the air.
What was even stranger was that when the creature appeared near the surface, Bill claimed that it emitted a halo. Angela said that there were points on the ship that felt extremely loud, even though there was no actual sound. She described it as the sensation associated with the electromagnetic pulses we had noted earlier. The phenomenon came in waves, roughly coinciding with the creature’s approach.
None of the three had a history of neurological problems or migraines. Dr. Spencer performed neurological examinations to rule out strokes but found no abnormalities. She concluded that an external agent was affecting their senses, possibly an electromagnetic field. If the creature were emitting strong waves or magnetic fields, it could have temporarily altered their visual and sensory processing. We cannot confirm this scientifically, as the ship’s instruments are disabled, but the connection between the creature’s presence and these strange phenomena is too obvious to ignore.
**Continuing Incident**
From **06:30 to 07:00**, the creature continued to hover near the ship, showing no signs of direct attack, but its presence was a threat. Power was down, radio communications were cut, and backup systems were nearly completely destroyed. At **07:15**, the creature moved away from the ship by about 100 meters, creating a space for us to try to start the engines and find a way to escape the area.
Engineer Dwayne succeeded in starting the diesel engines, but the digital fuel gauges were showing incorrect readings, forcing us to check them manually. Our plan was to head east, to find the main shipping lanes to call for help or at least get out of the jam. We could only make about **4 knots**, much slower than normal.
Throughout the journey, the creature followed us, sometimes diving, sometimes moving sideways. Each time it appeared, Bill, Todd, and Angela reported strange streaks of light and electromagnetic arcs. Todd tried looking out the porthole instead of standing on the deck, but he could still see the glowing lines even when looking over the ship’s bulwark. The others on board saw nothing but the creature’s physical presence and felt the vibrations as it approached.
At **07:30**, the creature suddenly disappeared. The backup sonar system – now working intermittently – did not detect any large objects below the ship. For the next **10 minutes**, we saw no more signs of it, and the electronic interference gradually subsided.
We decided this was our opportunity to leave the area.
**The Appearance of the Mysterious Force**
At approximately **15:30**, when the Blue Streak was about **55 nautical miles** from shore, we spotted **two military helicopters** flying low over the water to the west. They had no identification markings, just dull gray paint.
At approximately **17:00**, an unknown ship approached us. It bore no Navy or Coast Guard markings and looked like a high-tech research or surveillance vessel. A team of eight men dressed in black landed on the Blue Streak, claiming to be employees of a **private maritime security contractor** working under contract from the Navy.
Before leaving, they asked us to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA), threatening serious legal consequences if we revealed anything.
Aftermath and questions
The Blue Streak continued its journey to Kodiak without further incident. Electronic equipment gradually recovered, but some were permanently damaged. Bill, Todd, and Angela’s visual symptoms faded over time and disappeared completely after about a week.
In the days that followed, rumors circulated that several other cargo ships had also been attacked or lost contact. Official reports attributed it to storms or collisions with icebergs, an implausible explanation at this time of year.
The crew of one cargo ship claimed to have seen a giant tentacled creature clinging to the hull, damaging the steel hull. They were also visited by mysterious forces, similar to what we had experienced.