Cursed Ancient Artifacts Locked Away for Centuries
**1. Tuli Papyrus (Egypt, circa 1480 BC)**
Tuli Papyrus is an ancient Egyptian manuscript, discovered by Alberto Tulli – former director of the Vatican Museums. Its content describes a strange event during the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III, when many “fiery discs” appeared in the sky of Egypt. These objects glowed brighter than the sun, moved in formation, and then soared into the sky. Some theories suggest that this is a record of an ancient UFO encounter.
**2. Ica Stones (Peru, date unknown)**
Thousands of Ica Stones were found in Peru, engraved with strange images such as:
– Ancient people operating telescopes and observing constellations.
– Complex surgical scenes such as organ transplants, brain surgery, and heart surgery. – Dinosaurs coexisted with humans, raising questions about our ancestors’ understanding of fossils or the existence of giant reptiles longer than expected.
Some scientists believe that this may be a forgery, but these stones remain an unsolved mystery.
**3. Dropa Discs (China, about 12,000 years old)**
In 1938, a Chinese archaeological team discovered hundreds of stone discs in the Baian-Kara-Ula Mountains, near the border of Tibet. These discs are about 30 cm in diameter, with a round hole in the center and engraved with spiral grooves containing ancient characters.
The characters on the discs are said to record the story of the “Dropa people” – small, big-headed creatures from outer space. They fell to Earth due to a spacecraft accident and could not return. Some researchers consider this to be evidence of contact between aliens and prehistoric humans.
**4. Wandjina Rock Art (Australia, about 5,000 years old)**
In the caves of Australian Aborigines, there are many paintings depicting entities with:
– Large heads, large black eyes, no mouths.
– Long, thin, and glowing bodies.
The Aborigines believed that the Wandjina were “beings from heaven” who helped them develop civilization. This image has many similarities with descriptions of aliens in modern culture.
### **5. Strange Symbols on UFOs (Roswell & Rendlesham)**
– The **Roswell incident (1947)**: An unidentified flying object crashed in New Mexico, USA. Some witnesses reported that the fragments were engraved with characters similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics.
– **Rendlesham incident (1980, UK)**: US airmen stationed in the UK witnessed a UFO landing in Rendlesham Forest. They described the UFO as having hieroglyphic-like symbols glowing on its hull.
**6. Dendera Light (Egypt, 2,000 years old)**
At the Hathor Temple in Dendera (Egypt), there is a relief carving of an object that looks like a modern light bulb. In the picture, there are snakes extending inside the object that look like a light bulb filament. Some theories suggest that this could be evidence of ancient electrical technology.
**7. Saqqara Bird (Egypt, about 2,200 years old)**
The Saqqara Bird is a wooden model of a bird found in an ancient tomb. However, its shape is very similar to an airplane:
– The wings are aerodynamic, more like an airplane than a bird.
– It does not have a tail like a normal bird, but has a vertical part like the tail of an airplane.
Some aviation experts believe that it may represent an ancient aircraft design prototype.
**8. Delhi Iron Pillar (India, about 1,600 years old)**
This iron pillar is 7m high, weighs about 6 tons and is famous for **not rusting** for more than 1,600 years. Made of pure iron with anti-oxidation technology never seen in ancient times, it raises questions about the level of metallurgy at that time.
**9. Baghdad Battery (Iraq, about 2,000 years old)**
The Baghdad Battery is a ceramic vessel containing an iron rod and a copper rod, which can generate electricity when vinegar or lemon juice is poured into it. This has led researchers to speculate that ancient people may have known how to generate electricity, perhaps for gold plating or healing.
**10. Piri Reis Map (1513)**
Drawn by Ottoman admiral Piri Reis, this map has some amazing features:
– An accurate depiction of the coast of Antarctica – a continent that had not been discovered at the time.
– A depiction of Antarctica without ice, something that only modern technology could do.
Some theorize that it is a copy of older maps from an advanced prehistoric civilization.
**11. London Hammer (USA, 100 million years old?)**
A modern hammer encased in rock dating back millions of years. If it is indeed that old, it would be a controversial piece of evidence for a very ancient human presence.