Ancient History

Scientists Discovered The Last Anunnaki King Inside A Tomb In The Desert

**Scientists discover the last Anunnaki king in a desert tomb**

Around 4500 – 1900 BC, the Sumerian civilization flourished in southern Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and is considered one of the first advanced civilizations in human history. Sumer is famous for its breakthrough achievements in writing, architecture and administration, leaving a deep mark on later civilizations.

This civilization flourished in the fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers – the place known as the “cradle of human civilization”. Fertile land and abundant water resources played an important role in the development of agriculture and urban settlement.

### The connection between the Anunnaki and the Sumerians
The concept of the Anunnaki originated from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets – one of the earliest writing systems. These texts depict the Anunnaki as powerful gods who descended to earth and intervened in the development of mankind.

One of the most important stories is the *Enuma Elish*, a Babylonian creation myth that is heavily influenced by Sumerian tradition. The story tells of the god Marduk defeating the chaos dragon Tiamat and creating the heavens and the earth from her body. Humans were then created from the blood of Kingu, Tiamat’s general, to serve the gods.

In addition, the epic *Atrahasis* also tells of the creation of humans by the god Enki to reduce the burden of labor for the lower gods. Accordingly, humans were created from clay mixed with the blood of a sacrificial god, carrying within them a divine nature. This story also contains a legend about the great flood, similar to the story of Noah in the Bible.

### The Sumerians’ Scientific and Technological Achievements
The Sumerians made remarkable advances in many fields, including astronomy, mathematics, and metallurgy. They mapped the celestial bodies, developed a calendar, and used a base-60 number system – the basis for our modern way of measuring time (60 seconds/minute, 60 minutes/hour).

In the field of metallurgy, they were able to craft sophisticated tools and jewelry from gold, silver, copper, and bronze. Some theorize that the Sumerians gained this knowledge through guidance from the Anunnaki, especially regarding the mining of gold – which the Anunnaki may have used to maintain the atmosphere of their home planet.

Researcher Zecharia Sitchin proposes that the Anunnaki were an alien race that created humans by combining their DNA with that of human ancestors. This theory explains the sudden rise of Homo sapiens and the rapid advances in human civilization during the Neolithic period. Several ancient gold mining sites in Africa are believed to be evidence of Anunnaki activity.

### Sumerian King List and Anunnaki Traces
The Sumerian King List records extremely long reigns, sometimes lasting tens of thousands of years. This has led many to believe that the first kings may have been Anunnaki or their direct descendants. After the flood, the length of the reigns decreased, reflecting the gradual withdrawal of the Anunnaki from human affairs.

Many Sumerian kings claimed blood ties to the gods, which reinforced their power and theocratic political system. Ancient Sumerian cylinder seals also depict strangely dressed gods, thought to be advanced weapons or ancient astronauts.

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### Anunnaki and mysterious technology
Some artifacts depict objects resembling “vimanas” – flying machines from Indian mythology. This has raised the hypothesis that the Sumerians may have possessed advanced technology or received teachings from an extraterrestrial civilization.

Zecharia Sitchin also mentions “Nibiru” – a hypothetical planet with a long elliptical orbit around the Sun. Some Sumerian texts describe a 12th planet outside the solar system, similar to modern searches for “Planet X”. The Sumerians’ detailed knowledge of astronomy has led many to question whether they received guidance from the Anunnaki.

In addition, the Sumerian ziggurats were built with great precision, and were linked to astronomical events, suggesting a profound understanding of the universe.

The Epic of Gilgamesh and Ancient Messages
Inside the clay tablets that record the *Epic of Gilgamesh* – one of the world’s oldest literary works – are hidden mysterious messages from the last Anunnaki king. The story tells of Gilgamesh, the demigod king of Uruk, and his quest for immortality.

After the death of his best friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh sets out in search of the secret to immortality and meets Utnapishtim, the only person granted immortality after the great flood. However, Gilgamesh ultimately fails to achieve immortality and realizes that the most important thing is to live a meaningful life.

The story of the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh shares many similarities with the story of Noah in the Bible, leading scholars to speculate that they may stem from the same historical event or the same common legend in ancient civilizations.

History and legend intersect
Many archaeologists believe that Gilgamesh may have been a real historical figure, who ruled Uruk around 2700 BC. Fragments of the Epic of Gilgamesh continue to be discovered at archaeological sites such as Ur and Babylon, helping researchers shed more light on Sumerian culture and beliefs.

The discovery of ancient texts at the Ashurbanipal Library (Nineveh, Iraq) in the 19th century opened the door to exploring the history of Mesopotamia. The cuneiform inscriptions on 30,000 clay tablets have provided profound insights into Sumerian life, religion, and science.

Stories about the Anunnaki, Nibiru, and the origin of man continue to be controversial. Are they just myths or do they contain clues to an undiscovered truth?

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