Biggest Secrets The Vatican Is Hiding From Us
There’s been a major breakthrough in uncovering the truth about Jesus’ existence. Today, we’ll take a look at the relics, secret archives, and shocking mysteries that the Vatican is hiding, including the truth about aliens.
Vatican Secret Archives
Deep beneath the Vatican lies a special archive containing documents dating back more than 1,200 years. It is said to hold many manuscripts related to unexplained phenomena, including encounters with aliens. The archive was previously called the “Vatican Secret Archives,” but was later renamed the “Vatican Apostolic Archives” to prevent conspiracy theories. However, the truth about what’s inside the archive remains a big question mark.
Although the Vatican claims to have opened the archives to the public, the question is: are all the documents really public? You can read the transcripts of Galileo’s trial in 1633, Mary Queen of Scots’ letter begging the Pope to save her life before her execution in 1587, or King Henry VIII’s letter asking for a divorce so he could marry Anne Boleyn. But have more sensitive documents really come to light?
Many researchers believe that the Vatican is still hiding important information, especially about supernatural phenomena and aliens. Some experts believe that the archives may contain never-before-revealed secrets about UFOs.
Shroud of Turin – Evidence of Jesus?
A shocking new discovery has been confirmed as a burial cloth that is believed to have wrapped the body of Jesus 2,000 years ago. This is the Shroud of Turin, a relic mentioned in the Bible. Previous studies had dated the cloth to medieval times, but recent X-ray tests have shown that it actually dates from around 55 AD – the same time Jesus was crucified.
This has led many to believe that the Shroud is indeed proof of Jesus’ existence. The image of Jesus’ face is carved into the cloth in a strange way, complete with signs of torture. Some researchers have even found traces of blood from a torture victim, supporting the theory that this is the cloth that wrapped Jesus’ body.
Secrets of the Catholic Church and World War II
For years, the Vatican has been accused of keeping quiet about Nazi atrocities. Some scholars have even suggested that Pope Pius XII secretly collaborated with Hitler. However, a newly discovered document at the Vatican reveals a list of more than 3,200 Jews who were hidden from the Holocaust by Catholic monasteries. This raises the question: did the Vatican really side with Hitler, or did they secretly help the victims?
The Mystery of the Ark of the Covenant
The Ark of the Covenant, one of the most important relics of ancient Israel, is believed to have disappeared after the destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the Babylonians in 597 BC. Some theories suggest that it may be hidden under the Vatican or in secret tunnels in Jerusalem. Interestingly, the shape of the Ark of the Covenant is very similar to the sacred boxes in ancient Egyptian tombs, leading many to question the connection between the two civilizations.
Mummies under the church
If you want to see mummies, you don’t need to go to Egypt, you can visit the Church of the Holy Spirit in Vilnius, Lithuania. Beneath the church is a crypt containing dozens of mummies, including children, dating back to the 16th century. The chilling thing is that one of the mummies carried a strain of smallpox that may have jumped from animals to humans around 1530.
### **Smallpox in Animals and the Risk of a Pandemic**
Scientists warn that a strain of smallpox from animals could infect humans, causing the most terrible pandemic of modern times. Even the Soviet Union feared that the pathogens could survive on ancient skeletons. In 1960, Soviet forensic scientist Josef Albanez Marus said that there were more than 200 mummies in the catacombs, but due to concerns about the risk of disease, most of them were buried in a pit and sealed with a glass plate. This place is called the **”Death Chamber”**.
**The Mystery of the Fake Mummies in the Vatican**
A scandal broke out in the Vatican when their ancient mummies were discovered to be fake. Researchers at the Vatican Museums discovered this embarrassing truth in 2015. But why does the Vatican have mummies? The answer is that they own a huge collection of Egyptian antiquities.
While studying nine intact mummies, scientists discovered that two mummies were not ancient at all. They were created in the 19th century, during the “mummy craze”. Remarkably, both mummies were very small, under 2 meters. Initially, Vatican researchers thought they were mummies of children or falcons. But thanks to X-rays and CT scans, they discovered that the bones inside actually belonged to a man and a woman from the Middle Ages.
In addition, they found a 19th-century nail in the wrappings. It turned out that the mummies were just a random collection of modern skeletons wrapped in ancient shrouds. But why would someone do that? The answer has to do with the “Egypt craze” of the 18th and 19th centuries, when smugglers made money by forging mummies to sell to European and American collectors. The Vatican unwittingly bought two of those fakes.
**The First UFO and the Vatican’s Involvement**
David Grusch, a former US intelligence officer, recently claimed that the United States has been collecting UFOs for decades. According to David, the first UFO the US seized actually crashed in Magenta, Italy, just before World War II. At that time, dictator Benito Mussolini kept it until the end of the war. Pope Pius XII then revealed the location of the UFO to the Americans, who secretly brought it back to the US for study.
David said he had access to classified documents and talked to witnesses, but could not provide details about UFO technology or how the US used it. This begs the question: if the US has a collection of UFOs, do other countries have them too? Is this a global conspiracy?
**Maria Simma – The Soul Communicator in Purgatory**
Maria Simma was an Austrian mystic who claimed to be able to see souls trapped in purgatory. Born in 1915 to a poor peasant family, Maria felt called by God from a young age. However, poor health prevented her from joining any convent.
At the age of 25, Maria had her first strange experience: one night, she saw a man standing at the end of her bed. When she tried to touch him, he disappeared. The next morning, Maria told her story to the local priest, who suggested that it might be a soul from purgatory in need of help.
From then on, Maria continued to receive “requests” from trapped souls. They asked her to pray and make sacrifices to help them be freed. Although Maria was never canonized, she lived her entire life in poverty and died in 2004. The Vatican has remained silent on her case, although the Church has historically acknowledged many similar miracles.
### **The True Origin of Christmas**
Most people believe that Christmas is the birth of Jesus. But in fact, the origins of the day may be linked to an ancient Babylonian god: **Tammuz**.
In Babylonian civilization, Tammuz was considered the god of rebirth, born on December 25. According to legend, his mother, Queen Semiramis, became pregnant miraculously after her husband, King Nimrod, died. The night Tammuz was born, a green tree grew from the dead stump, symbolizing rebirth.
The custom of putting up a Christmas tree and giving gifts actually originated from this ancient Babylonian custom. However, the Vatican has never acknowledged that many of its traditions are rooted in pagan rituals.
**The Vatican’s Huge Treasures**
The Vatican owns one of the world’s greatest collections of treasures. Among them is the **Emperor Nero’s bathtub**, made from rare Egyptian marble. If recreated today, the tub would be worth between **$1 and $2 billion**.
In addition, the Vatican also holds many ancient works of art and documents, including the **Codex Vaticanus**, one of the oldest complete copies of the Bible, dating back to around 325 AD.
The Satanic Gospel – The Vatican’s Most Dangerous Book
One of the most terrifying mysteries said to be in the Vatican is the “Satanic Gospel”. It is rumored to have been discovered in Jerusalem in 1750. However, many scholars believe it was written in the 18th century.
The book contains instructions on how to summon demons and make pacts with Satan. Several ancient editions from 1421, 1521 and 1702 have disappeared, believed to have been confiscated and hidden by the Vatican. Today, only the modern version compiled by the occultist Eliphas Levi in the 19th century remains.