Scientists FINALLY Opened The Ark Of Covenant – They Turn Pale By What They Found Inside
When it comes to Israel, it is impossible not to mention the richness of religious sites spread across the country. The country has become a hot spot for archaeologists hoping to discover religious artifacts and sacred temples from ancient times. As of 2017, there is a special site called Kirath Jearim that has not been fully excavated. This is a place mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, believed to hold ancient Israelite artifacts and may even be the location of the legendary Ark of the Covenant. However, the latest discoveries here could completely change the history of the Bible.
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The Hebrew Bible – a collection of religious texts, is the basis for the Old Testament of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This is a treasure trove of information about the history of ancient Israel. However, the Bible cannot be considered a completely reliable source, because most of the records in it were written many centuries after the events actually took place. This has prompted archaeologists and historians to search for authentic evidence, to verify or refute what the Bible records.
The Book of Exodus is one of the most important books of the Bible, telling the story of the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land under the guidance of Moses. That journey was arduous, lasting more than 40 years in the harsh desert. According to religious belief, during this time, Moses went up to Mount Sinai and received the Ten Commandments from God, which were engraved on stone tablets. These commandments were not just a set of laws, but also a covenant between God and the people of Israel – a promise that God would protect this nation if they followed the laws given to them.
Because of its sacredness, the Ten Commandments were kept in the Ark of the Covenant – a chest made of wood and covered with gold. According to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant performed many miracles during the Israelites’ journey, such as when they crossed the Jordan River, the water suddenly stopped flowing, or when they surrounded the city of Jericho, the city wall collapsed with just the sound of a trumpet and the presence of the Ark. However, whether these events were real or not depends on each person’s belief in the Old Testament.
When they arrived in the Promised Land, the Israelites built a prosperous kingdom, now Israel. Legend has it that King Solomon built a magnificent temple to house the Ark of the Covenant inside. But when the city was invaded by the Babylonians, the Ark of the Covenant disappeared without a trace. The fate of the Ark of the Covenant remains a great mystery in the archaeological community. There are many hypotheses, from the Ark being brought to Africa, but this hypothesis has been rejected. A more popular theory is that the Ark was hidden under the First Temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed.
One of the most important clues to the location of the Ark of the Covenant is found in the Bible, specifically the Book of Samuel. According to it, the Ark was carried into battle against the Philistines and then stored in the ancient city of Kirath Jearim. Recently, archaeologists believe they have identified the location of this ancient city, near the modern-day Israeli village of Abu Ghosh. On the hill here, which many people call Tell Stone, there was a community of European Jews living. On the top of the hill is the Church of Our Lady of the Ark of the Covenant – a name that is full of symbolism.
This is where archaeologists have flocked, hoping to find traces of the ancient city of Kirath Jearim and possibly the Ark of the Covenant. However, previous excavations have not yielded significant results. The first excavation in the 1980s failed to find any significant evidence. Another excavation in 1995-1996 also failed. This led many to suspect that the site might not be the site of Kirath Jearim.
In 2013, another survey was conducted, reinforcing the theory that the site had historical value, but no concrete evidence of the ancient city’s existence was found. It was not until 2017 that a team of archaeologists from Tel Aviv University and the Collège de France conducted further excavations and made a surprising discovery.
The 2017 excavation involved more than 50 students. Archaeologists believe that the hill’s high terrain, with its sweeping views of the Judean mountains and the coast, was the ideal location for a city like Kirath Jearim. However, the excavation encountered many obstacles because a Catholic monastery was built on the top of the hill, so digging had to be limited so as not to affect the monastery and the lives of the nuns.
Thanks to the Collège de France, the team was granted permission to excavate. Initial findings suggest that the artifacts match the dating of the ancient city in the Bible. Another clue comes from the Arabic name of the site – Deir El-Azar, named after the priest Elazar who is said to have supervised the Ark of the Covenant there. The team used aerial photography and World War I photographs to reconstruct the topography of the hill. Analysis showed that the hill was not naturally formed but was man-made.
Using 3D technology, the team found a large foundation beneath the hill’s surface, built during the Iron Age, around 1150 BC. Pottery found at the site suggests that Kirath Jearim was very prosperous during this period.
However, some of the findings contradict the Bible. Rather than Judah building the city to control Israel, evidence suggests that Israel built the city to defend itself against Judah. Some traces of a small temple at the site suggest that the Ark of the Covenant may have been kept there before it was brought to Jerusalem. However, many archaeologists are skeptical that the Ark of the Covenant actually existed.
Further excavations are planned in 2019, in the hope of retracing the history of the site and, perhaps, solving the mystery of the Ark of the Covenant.