Ancient History

Elon Musk Warns of Giant 135 km-long Object Moving Through the Ice

Elon Musk, known for his interest in Mars, has also explored Antarctica. Recently, he and his team discovered a massive mysterious object there. Initially, it was thought to be a large iceberg, but as the object started moving and the surrounding ice melted, it became clear that it was something more complex. Scientists are now investigating and proposing various theories about this object.

In 2022, scientists discovered a complete ecosystem beneath the Antarctic ice. They found a crack in satellite images of the Larsen Ice Shelf and, upon drilling, uncovered millions of microorganisms living below the ice, including phytoplankton.

This discovery showed that phytoplankton can survive with just 1% of the sunlight compared to what was previously believed.

Additionally, the Gamburtsev Mountain Range, stretching 1,200 km and standing about 3,000 m high, was detected through magnetic and gravity measurements, but has not yet been directly explored due to the ice cover. Scientists are still studying how this mountain range formed and its ongoing existence.

Antarctica also has a dry valley, where rainfall is extremely rare and sand dunes can reach up to 70 meters high. These dunes move about 1.5 meters per year. Another discovery is a 480 km long underground river, which could contribute to global sea level rise if the region containing it were to melt.

Finally, a gigantic opening in the ice, known as a polynya, has appeared and expanded rapidly to over 70,000 kmĀ². There are various theories about the cause of the polynya, ranging from ocean water intrusion to animal activity beneath the ice.

Regarding Musk’s mysterious object, researchers have ruled out it being a typical iceberg due to unusual marks and grooves. Another theory suggests it could be a military vessel, though this seems unlikely. The Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1961, prohibits military activity in the region, but there is skepticism about potential secret military operations.

Lastly, scientists have considered the possibility that the mysterious object could be debris from an aerial explosion of a meteorite that occurred 430,000 years ago, with fragments scattered across the surface. However, the mystery of this object remains unresolved and requires further investigation.


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