Ancient History

Backyard Time Machine: The Time Travel Mystery of Mike “Mad Man” Marcum

Mike Markham’s journey began in the early 1990s when he was experimenting with a Jacob’s Ladder in his backyard. A Jacob’s Ladder is a device that produces high-voltage arcs of electricity that travel between two vertical wires. Markham, fascinated with electricity and its potential, decided to add a twist to the traditional setup. He introduced lasers into the mix, hoping to create a stronger, more efficient version. What he didn’t anticipate was that this experiment would generate a small vortex, or what he described as a “heat field” or electrical distortion in the air.

Intrigued, Mike wanted to test the limits of this anomaly. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, he threw a screw into the vortex. To his shock, the screw disappeared from sight and then reappeared a short distance away. The event convinced Markham that he might have stumbled upon something extraordinary—potentially a way to manipulate time or space.

Eager to expand on his findings, Markham realized that his initial setup lacked the necessary power to create a larger, more stable vortex. He needed industrial-grade transformers, but instead of purchasing them, he resorted to stealing them from a nearby power station. He installed the powerful transformers into his time machine setup and turned on the device. The massive surge in power caused a town-wide blackout, drawing immediate attention to his experiment. Local authorities traced the blackout to his backyard and arrested Markham on charges of theft. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail for the incident.

Despite this setback, Markham’s story gained widespread attention. His arrest and experiments were featured on the popular late-night radio show *Coast to Coast AM* with Art Bell, which specialized in paranormal and fringe science topics. Markham’s tale of attempting to build a time machine captured the imagination of the audience, and listeners were fascinated by the idea of a modern-day inventor working on such a groundbreaking device in his backyard.

Listeners and fans began reaching out to Markham, offering support in the form of both equipment and financial backing. Inspired by this new wave of interest, Markham set out to rebuild his machine, but this time with more sophisticated equipment and under better circumstances. He built a larger version of his time machine, hoping to repeat and improve upon his initial success. During one of his radio interviews, he expressed confidence that he could create a machine capable of sending objects—and eventually people—through time.

After Markham rebuilt the machine, he supposedly performed more experiments but eventually vanished from the public eye. One of the more bizarre theories surrounding Markham’s story is that he might have used the machine on himself and disappeared into the past or future. No one has definitively confirmed what became of him, leading to a variety of rumors about his fate. Some believe he continued his work in secret, while others suggest he was silenced or vanished during one of his experiments.

Mike Markham’s experiment involved using a high-voltage Jacob’s Ladder and lasers, which created a powerful vortex. He tried to build a time machine, using stolen transformers to generate enough power. The machine had rotating magnetic fields and cylinders, similar to setups described in the Philadelphia Experiment. Despite skepticism, scientists noted that Mike’s technology was on the right track, based on Einstein’s theories.

Markham tested the machine with small objects, which would disappear and reappear a short distance away, suggesting a form of teleportation. He even tested it with small animals like hamsters. After about 200 tests, Markham decided to test the machine on himself. He jumped into the vortex and vanished, leaving only a flash of light.

When he reappeared, he found himself in a field, with no memory of how he got there or even his own name. He eventually made his way to Fairfield, Ohio, 800 miles east of his warehouse, with no ID or money. He discovered he had jumped two years into the future. His warehouse was empty when he returned; everything was gone.

Markham tried to recreate the machine but had memory gaps and lacked resources. He appeared on *Coast to Coast AM* to update listeners and seek help. Art Bell, the show’s host, suggested crowdfunding and book deals. Markham built a new machine that used a metal tube as a Faraday cage, which allowed it to travel through the vortex unharmed.

Markham planned to test the machine again with his cell phone but disappeared once more. Art Bell later received a disturbing call about a man found in a metal drum, which some believed might be Markham, but this was never confirmed.

Markham’s story remains one of the most intriguing time travel tales. While some details, like sending a cat through the vortex, were false, the core of his story aligns with scientific ideas about time travel and high-voltage experiments. Though he’s no longer in the spotlight, Markham’s work reflects the curiosity and innovation needed to explore such concepts.

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I love exploring UFOs and paranormal fun, and it’s like a never-ending adventure with conspiracy theories. Whether it’s theories about Area 51, the moon landing, or aliens, there’s always something new to uncover. I keep dancing with the mysteries and enjoy the search for truth.



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