The ‘Love Is Blind’ Producers Have Some Explaining To Do
As Season 7 wraps up, we have so many questions about how we got here.

“Love Is Blind” Season 7 is about a week away from airing its final episode, when audiences will find out which couples — if any — will actually say, “I do.”
But if you’re anything like a few reporters and editor at HuffPost, you might not actually be rooting for any of them after watching Episodes 10 and 11 this week. Some couples made it crystal clear that this was the end of the road for their relationships. Some got in heated conversations about intimacy, texts from exes and cozy meetups with former pod members.
But one consistent hang-up in these episodes? The production and editing teams have constantly dropped audiences into the middle of conversations without any context about how we got here — or explanations of what exactly is happening. Where in the pods episodes on Week 1, the cast members would occasionally have a breakout interview to explain their feelings or offer up more details about their one-on-one conversations, these latest episodes rarely walk us through some of the most hard-to-decipher moments of the season.
Quite frankly, it’s made it hard to understand what actually matters this season and what has been edited in a way that’s flat-out confusing or possibly unnecessary.
HuffPost reporters and editors chat about what all went down on Wednesday’s episodes. Stay tuned for updates.

Marissa & Ramses Talk Intimacy
This conversation between Marissa and Ramses was really weird to me. Isn’t Ramses supposed to be this progressive guy? So why is he, first, pressuring Marissa to get on birth control and, second, pressuring her to have more sex with him when she is sick and not interested? I also do feel like this scene was choppy and something was left out because we once again went into it with no context. — Cambria
I was so confused by this scene. I know we’ll chat about this later, but this is one of those moments where the producers/editors kind of just drop the audiences into the scene without any kind of preamble of what’s going on. All you see at first is that Marissa is a little annoyed or standoffish about something, and then they eventually back into the conversation about why she is upset. It’s really a weird way to present drama. Like, I need to know exactly why I’m invested in the beginning. But also, who wants to be intimate with someone who doesn’t feel well? That’s pretty shitty. The cracks are showing! — Erin
OK, same here, Erin. The only thing immediately clear to me was that there was yet another issue these two were facing. I don’t even think there were any previous references about Marissa’s well-being prior to saying it in this conversation — not that it’s any of our business, but it would’ve been great to have a confessional in here somewhere to hear Marissa’s perspective somewhere within this conversation.
Also, I can see why Ramses’ first marriage didn’t work out. I don’t understand why he didn’t consider that there would be times when intimacy takes a back burner. These two have too many obstacles to overcome before they can seriously consider moving forward. — Taryn
It took me at least five times rewinding this scene to understand that they were talking about concerns over a lack of intimacy, which is ridiculous because why do we get so little context about something that’s clearly a big issue to this couple? That aside, this conversation made me question what exactly Ramses is looking for out of this experience because sex continues to be a topic of discussion over other things I’m sure they need to talk about before their wedding. And it doesn’t seem like they found common ground, so until they do, I doubt Ramses and Marissa are going to confidently go forward with their nuptials. — Njera

Alex Meets Tim’s Parents
I loved Tim’s mom. She seemed really loving and practical about the “Love Is Blind” experiment. In this scene, Tim tells his mom that he and Alex aren’t in sync on the lighter things in their relationship. (Which obviously we have all witnessed since they first met in person, with Alex seeming so easily annoyed by him.) He also apparently isn’t an affectionate person, and Alex needs that showing of love. I really wonder if they were even having sex by this point. I couldn’t be in a relationship where my partner was not affectionate. That immediately had me rooting for them to break up. The other thing I thought about with Tim and Alex this episodes is that I have zero sense of why these two like each other. The only thing I remember about their connection from the pods is him crying about his sisters and her supporting him through those conversations. That is not something you can build a relationship on, so I really wonder why they actually connected beyond that. — Erin
I also loved Tim’s mom! I can’t believe she raised toxic Tim? That’s confusing to me! I liked how she called him out about the “give and take” in a relationship and being more affectionate and doing some things you don’t want to do for the sake of your partner. — Cambria
I’m with you both, Tim’s mom had a great perspective to share about marriage! It was interesting to hear her say Tim gets his vulnerability from her but not that “needing his space” thing. The concerns he brought up to his parents separately explain why his and Alex’s dynamic changed so much after the pods, but if Tim truly felt like they were out of sync, he and Alex should’ve had a real conversation about that prior to meeting the parents. Could’ve saved them both the headache of their weird breakup. — Njera
To me, it felt like Tim had already made up his mind about where he and Alex stood when he brought up his doubts to his parents. Tim and Alex don’t communicate well at all, and him running to his mom to validate his concerns instead of having a real conversation about it with his fiancée was telling. — Taryn

Tim Tells Alex He Never Wants To See Her Again
I knew these two probably wouldn’t make it to the altar, but I did not predict their breakup happening like this. First off, this scene finally cleared up a lot of questions I’ve had about Tim and Alex’s arguments because it always seems like the latter is in the wrong, and I can never tell if that’s entirely true based on how the production team edits. But seeing the way Tim took Alex taking a nap after talking to his parents for hours as disrespect confirmed my suspicions that he’s the real toxic one out of those two.
The anger that swelled up in me when Tim told Alex he never wanted to see her again… that’s just an incredibly wild thing to say two days after asking your fiancée’s father for her hand in marriage. Proper communication could’ve very well saved these two from another blow-up, but it sounds like Tim already had his mind made up when Alex walked in the room. The fact that he didn’t leave space for them to talk through their issues to see if there could’ve been a path forward just proves he’s not ready for the relationship he says he wants. — Njera
I really want to know what has been left on the cutting room floor to reveal exactly what’s up with Tim. He seems to want this perfect relationship with Alex and doesn’t know how to communicate with her at all. Not that I think Alex is all in the wrong here. She can seem dismissive, and literally half the shots of her in “Love Is Blind” is her rolling her eyes at him. But this big blow-up moment with them seemed off. Like, it seemed so small for it to lead to a breakup. By this scene, I was completely over them. — Erin
I just think Tim didn’t ever really even like Alex and wanted an excuse to break things off with her. It felt that way on the honeymoon and in this scene, too. He is definitely toxic, and it was weird he went as far as he did to ask Alex’s father for her hand in marriage. It just feels like once again we aren’t getting the full story, and it’s incredibly clear a lot has been edited out. Something is off with each of these two as individuals, and I never really cared about them as a couple either. — Cambria
Tim probably listens to manosphere podcasts. The way he disparaged Alex in this conversation was so ugly and unnecessary. Tim doesn’t want a wife. He wants someone who will do what he says and be exactly what he wants, how he wants, without considering them or meeting them halfway. I’m not saying that Alex played no part in this relationship failing, but Tim is performative. He wants the perfect fairy-tale marriage without putting the work in. We all saw the end of these two coming. I just hate that he sat there and lied to her father’s face like that. — Taryn

Tyler Needs To Go Where Liars Go
I’m sorry, but I don’t want to see anything more about Tyler and Ashley. If the social media stories are true, then Tyler straight-up lied to Ashley about the kids not knowing what he looks like. I’m really just anxiously waiting for the reunion to see how Ashley feels about the whole situation now. It couldn’t be me. — Erin
I can’t believe how quickly these two just smoothed things over and moved on. Why wouldn’t producers intervene and tell Ashley the truth? Did they do no due diligence before casting Tyler on this show?! It makes me sick to watch these two be lovey-dovey in every scene knowing what we know now. I mean, there is photographic evidence of Tyler with these children. Ugh, I do not want to watch them say “I do.” — Cambria
I just can’t believe he sat in her face and said those kids probably don’t know what he looks like knowing damn well they all have pictures together. I don’t want to see another scene with these two until the reunion, when Tyler hopefully gets an earful from Ashley. — Njera
The crazy part is that in interviews with Tyler, he is acting like it’s not a big deal!!!!! Something is wrong with him. — Erin
I want Tyler to go where liars go. Why haven’t we met his family? Who are his people? Why didn’t Netflix producers do a thorough background check on him? Why are we here watching this man flat-out manipulate his fiancée with prayer and promises?
And I want Ashley to stand the hell up! Like, girl! The dick can’t be that good. I want to know what their conversations are about his past off-camera. Social media has filled in too many blanks here. — Taryn

Let’s Talk About Taylor And Garrett’s Argument About That Text
I’m iffy about how this argument went down because I can’t tell if Garrett is really that clueless or if he was trying to pull something shady behind Taylor’s back. To her point, why not relay the entire text exchange you had with your ex if you have nothing to hide? I low-key wish Taylor went through the messages herself to save the stress, but it’s hilarious that Garrett told on himself by accident. At this point in the season, I don’t put anything past this batch of men, so if there’s more to these texts, I’m sure we’ll hear about it by the finale. — Njera
When I look at Taylor, I see a woman who stands on business. I don’t think she’s going to let Garrett off the hook easily on this issue. I think she just loves him so much that she wants to resolve it off-camera. I do think these two will get past it, but Garrett needs to get it together. — Taryn

Nick And Katie Chat At The Costume Party
I don’t have much to say about this interaction between Nick and Katie (I don’t even remember Katie from the pods at this point). But I did appreciate how she told Nick that he doesn’t have to lean into his flirtatious ways and that she knows there’s more depth to him than that. I feel like it is a message he needed to hear. I was kinda rooting for them to kiss, not gon’ lie! — Erin
I don’t think they ever showed Katie in the pods? But maybe I missed her? It felt like these two had way more chemistry than Hannah and Nick – that’s for sure. I’m rooting for them to get together! — Cambria
I don’t remember Katie at all, but Nick was clearly smitten. Though I do believe that Nick was all in with Hannah, I don’t blame him for having a “what if” moment with Katie. Hannah has dogged Nick out since her first post-proposal confessional. Katie spoke more life into Nick than Hannah has ever and affirmed him that he was great just as he was. Their conversation was honest, healthy and didn’t disrespect Hannah and Nick’s relationship. I thought it was sweet. — Taryn
I agree with all of you, it definitely felt like there was chemistry between Nick and Katie. You can tell how much he enjoyed hearing those compliments from her because Hannah has probably never validated him like that. I see why Hannah thought Katie was making a move on Nick, but if she was a little nicer to him and less nitpicky, she probably wouldn’t have anything to worry about. — Njera

Hannah Said 1 Cringe Thing On ‘Love Is Blind’ That Was Hard To Watch
I laughed when Hannah told Nick, “I’ve turned you from a boy to a man.” Like, girl, what? I really want Hannah to get a job so she can have something else to do with her time than to bully Nick. I’m tired! — Erin
This line from Hannah seriously made me cringe. I’m so sick of her! — Cambria
This argument was so cringe. I hated watching it. Hannah belittling Nick. Nick repeatedly saying “bet” to try to agree and move on from the conversation. Hannah lying and saying Katie was her “best friend in the whole world”? Give me a break.
I understand Hannah’s curiosity about their conversation, but she was looking for an argument that night. — Taryn
She absolutely was, Taryn, and it pissed me off that she shut down the whole conversation before Nick could speak his piece. I’m tired of watching their arguments because it’s clear they don’t actually like each other. Just break up already. — Njera

Nick Meets Hannah’s Friends
Hannah has been in her group chat talking shit about Nick since she got her phone back. She does not like this man, and because she doesn’t, her friends came into that meeting not liking him. It didn’t help that they’re meeting was right after Hannah and Nick’s drunken argument.
Hannah didn’t get the satisfaction of her parents or brother giving Nick the third degree, so this was her Hail Mary to get out of the relationship. Her friends were there to bully Nick, not to get to know him and see their dynamic. This was a test, not a meeting. Even Nick was clear on that, but instead of standing up and advocating for himself, he played into it like he’s been doing. This conversation was yet another clear example of why these two don’t need to be getting married, not just to each other, but period. They both have a lot of growing to do. — Taryn
Yes, her talking shit in their group chat was my first thought, too, Taryn! This whole scene was wild to me. It was a grilling session and made me even more empathetic toward Nick. You can tell Hannah is really trying to produce and push the edit in her favor, and it’s not working! — Cambria
Yes, this scene made me so mad, too. I was like, STAND UP, NICK!!! These aren’t “little things” that Hannah keeps pressing Nick on. She tried to make it seem like she wasn’t being super critical, but that’s literally all we see. She found her way out of the relationship through her friends. She should have broken it off with him since she seemingly thinks she’s so much better than him. I still keep thinking about the fact that she quit her job to be on this show. She doesn’t work but constantly criticizes Nick about his responsibilities. Get outta here. — Erin

This ‘Love Is Blind’ Scene Was Hard To Watch
The wedding dress and tuxedo fittings are one of my least favorite parts of this show. But I did appreciate that we kinda got a heads up that Hannah and Nick were probably close to calling it quits because she didn’t show up. Their breakup conversation was so hard to watch because I wish Hannah woulda just ended it before trying to make Nick validate his worth. This moment is also how I felt when Chelsea and Jimmy decided not to go to the altar last season. Relief. Get these people off my TV screen. — Erin
Finally! The editors give us a sort-of heads up about drama that is coming! This breakup conversation made me really angry. Like, at least Chelsea and Jimmy weren’t cruel to one another. The way Hannah talks to this man is truly unhinged! — Cambria
I’m glad one of them had the sense to finally break the engagement off. But I don’t like how Hannah tried to paint Nick out to be the bad guy who “manipulated” her when we’ve watched her belittle and bully him throughout their relationship. Hannah’s confessional during their breakup scene felt like she was trying to get ahead of the backlash she’d get for being so mean to Nick, but she’s not fooling anyone. These two weren’t a love connection, and that’s OK to say, but it’s unfair to try and paint a new narrative when the footage we’ve seen so far exposes something else. — Njera

Ramses Is Having Doubts About Marriage
Ramses has been having doubts about marrying Marissa since he realized how big of a part the military plays in her life. He’s said at least twice so far that he would divorce her if he didn’t agree with something in their marriage. Love is not enough, and we’re seeing exactly why in their relationship. I do think Marissa will end up heartbroken in the end. — Taryn
I always knew something was off in their relationship, and Ramses is proving me right. It’s abundantly clear that they did not have the deep conversations they should’ve had in the pods about beliefs and values before agreeing to an engagement, and now it’s all coming up as red flags days before the wedding. It’s concerning how much the word “divorce” has been thrown around during their wedding planning, which should tell these two they should reassess whether or not they have a real future together. If I were Marissa, I’d pump the brakes on getting married until they can both, without a doubt, say they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other, no matter what obstacles come up. — Njera

OK, We’ll Say It: This Season Is Boring
This season is a dud. Unless something huge and scandalous happens in the finale episode, I’m not sure much can save it. I am not invested in any of these couples except maybe Taylor and Garrett? But even then, not really. I find the drama kind of meh, probably because of the way they’ve edited it where they don’t actually get us invested before dropping us into random scenes. It’s giving Season 2, my least favorite season, but worse. At least then we had Shake as a villain. — Cambria
I have been anticipating the reunion for the past two weeks. That’s really all I want to see at this point. And Nick and Vanessa Lachey better be getting their questions together NOW. — Erin
You know what’s not boring, though? The revelations we’re learning via social media. Yet another season of TikTok doing heavy lifting for Netflix. — Taryn
I’m only holding out hope for the reunion at this point because there’s no one left to root for on the show. Garrett and Taylor will likely get married, but I’m tired of watching these other couples I have no faith in. The drama is dying down, and the social media scoops are the only things keeping me entertained, so let’s go ahead and wrap this up already. — Njera

Dear ‘Love Is Blind’ Producers, What The F**k Are You Doing This Season???
I am SO sick of this. I don’t even really understand what is going on half the time this season because of how they’ve produced and edited it. I watch “Love Is Blind” to NOT think that hard, but I find my brain working overtime every single episode to piece things together and figure out what the hell is going on in nearly every scene. I think this production team needs to take a minute, hit pause and regroup for the next season because this is not it. Do better, Netflix. — Cambria
This is probably my biggest gripe of the season. We get dropped into the middle of an argument or an intense moment and then have to piece together exactly what happens. There aren’t many confessional moments where the cast member is kind of walking us through what’s going on or their feelings about it, in the same way that they do in the early episodes with the pods. Like, during Marissa and Ramses’ awkward conversation at the beginning of Episode 10. It takes several minutes for us to figure out what the problem is. And we don’t know how the issue even started. The Taylor and Garrett text message moment is another example. It takes a beat to learn that Garrett got a message from his ex and that Taylor thought it was inappropriate. Even with Tyler and Ashley’s baby drama, it takes a beat for one of them to finally say, “So you have kids and didn’t even tell me until now.” It just makes for a terrible viewing experience when you have to guess what’s going on. Fix it! — Erin