Love Is Blind Season 8

Love Is Blind Season 8: Signs Taylor Haag And Daniel Hastings Will Go The Distance (The Instagram Drama Was Nothing)

Taylor Haag and Daniel Hastings seemed doomed after the first batch of episodes, but this Love Is Blind pair is destined to go the distance.

The 31-year-old colonoscopy nurse wasn’t afraid to joke about her career in the pods, nor was she shy about the Taco Bell tattoo on her lower lip. Gerber Baby model Daniel asserted his self-proclaimed “short king” from the beginning, and the two shared a love of Christmas. However, it seemed everything could fall apart after their Love Is Blind season 8 reveal.

Taylor and Daniel’s Instagram drama turned out to be nothing. When Taylor checked to see if Daniel had followed and unfollowed her, it wasn’t true. Additionally, the picture she envisioned of Daniel was slightly different.

At this point, Taylor and Daniel chose to move forward with the experiment despite Taylor’s embarrassment. Daniel was relieved to continue to pursue an engagement with Taylor, and their love only grew through the honeymoon. Here’s why these two lovebirds seem poised to go the distance.

Taylor & Daniel Share Similar Values

They’re Two Peas In A Pod

Taylor and Daniel shared similar values in the pods. They both wanted to find someone who was heavily involved with their family and was looking to build a family of their own. Additionally, Taylor and Daniel are Christians who prioritize their faith and are eager to grow in their spiritual journeys together.

This devout faith spills over into their shared love of Christmas. Daniel even shares an elaborate Christmas card with his friends and followers.

Of all the Love Is Blind season 8 cast members, Taylor and Daniel have the most similar goals in life and seem to be on the same timeline for big life events.

They’re both passionate about their careers but want to enter into an era in which they prioritize their personal lives. While Daniel would get a Chick-fil-A tattoo rather than an homage to Taco Bell, they do seem like a match made in heaven. Plus, Taylor can finally throw out her heels.

Taylor & Daniel’s Parents Like Each Other

Their Families Seem Similar

The hometown episodes of Love Is Blind can always be awkward, but Taylor and Daniel’s families seemed to really like each other. Taylor’s parents were overprotective of her, but after meeting Daniel’s parents, it became clear how similar they all were. Their biggest issue will be figuring out the Christmas holidays, as both sides seem poised to have longstanding traditions they adhere to. Daniel’s mom was a huge fan of Taylor, which contributed to Daniel’s comfort going through with the wedding.

Taylor & Daniel Are Ready For Commitment

Most importantly, Taylor and Daniel will get married in the finale because they’re ready for that level of commitment. Other couples, like Ben Mezzenga and Sara Carton, are not ready to get married, and there’s even an argument to be made that Ben is only doing the experiment for fame.

It seems like even Monica Danus and Joey Leveille might be rushing into things, but for Taylor and Daniel, it feels so natural. They’re a perfect match, and now that the Instagram drama is behind them, they might be the frontrunner couple on Love Is Blind season 8.

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